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In Memory of John Lewis

Friends, we join you in mourning Representative John Lewis. As a fellow supporter of the work of the Peace Tax Fund he had the unique role of being our faithful congressional sponsor of the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act for many years. We are honored and thankful for his support.

Since Representative Lewis’ death on Friday July 17th, countless tributes have been made to honor him. From his early days as a young man joining the civil rights movement against America’s apartheid systems of racial injustice and inequality to his last days he served as a hopeful inspiration to us as we struggle for a better world. Representative Lewis stood for nonviolent change and action. This is why for years he supported the National Campaign for a Peace Tax Fund by introducing our bill in the House of Representatives. His experience in the civil rights movement led him to understand that change does not always come easily or in the time we would like. “Never give up, never give in, never give out. Keep the faith and keep your eyes on the prize. Together, we can redeem the soul of America.” John Lewis said recently.

In the coming days we will seek a new sponsor of the Religious Freedom Peace Tax Fund Act. As people of conscience and hope we will continue to be faithful to our long-term work advocating for the constitutional rights of conscientious objectors to military spending and war in our names and with our tax dollars.

John Lewis was a faithful servant and a voice for peace and social justice. His remarkable life’s work is done. Our work continues.

On behalf of the board of directors of the Peace Tax Foundation and thankful for his monumental life we say, John Lewis, PRESENTE!

Malachy Kilbride, Director

Peace Tax Foundation